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The Friendship Cafe

Emma and her husband Richard and local Gloucestershire friends have raised over £200,000 for the Friendship Cafe and City Farm in the heart of Gloucester, which provides a meeting place and many activities for people in the community of all ages, religion or cultural background. Emma Willis Ltd recently donated a much needed £50,000 4x4 vehicle for transporting animals for City Farm, and the charity kindly advertised the company on the van and organised a ceremony of thanks.

Emma Willis MBE giving keys to St James City Farm volunteer Richard Leach

English Workrooms

Bearland House is an elegant 18th Century townhouse in the centre of historic Gloucester and home to the Emma Willis Factory. Here their luxury shirts, boxer shorts, pyjamas, dressing gowns and walking socks are made using traditional methods of cutting and sewing, making to the highest standards.

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